commercial linkage fee

November 20, 2013

Local Funding Campaigns

When the governor eliminated California Redevelopment Agencies (RDAs) in December of 2011, local jurisdictions lost the single, largest source of state funding for affordable homes - $1 billion dedicated dollars each year. To counter this, NPH works with Bay Area cities and counties to create alternative funding sources that allow jurisdictions to leverage state and federal dollars to build the affordable homes their communities so desperately need.
July 28, 2015

Bay Area Impact Fees

Bay Area HOUSING IMPACT AND COMMERCIAL LINKAGE FEES As people move into new market-rate homes and office buildings, they generate a need for services typically provided by low-wage workers, such as restaurant and retail work. Recognition of this link has led to growing interest in the use of housing impact (HIF) and commercial linkage fees (CLF). These fees are assessed by square foot or by unit on new, market-rate residential development and commercial development as defined in each jurisdiction’s ordinances.…