Join An NPH Working Group

San Jose Organizations to Strengthen Civic Engagement, Increase City Vibrancy with $1 Million Boost from Night Foundation
December 20, 2017
Ad Hoc Committees
January 9, 2018
Deepen your engagement with the NPH community and help promote bold and meaningful affordable housing solutions for our region!

NPH convenes working groups to bring together members to take action, develop strategies, and advance solutions on critical affordable housing issues. Our working groups inspire collaboration and amplify the voice of key stakeholders, while furthering understanding across the sector. We offer several working groups for our members to advance our collective vision of a Bay Area where everyone has a safe, stable, and affordable home.

Please click on the below buttons to read more about our current working groups and join us!

Working Groups

Please note that working groups are for NPH members only. Need to check on your membership status? Email NPH at about individual and organizational memberships.