February 19, 2021
Race Forward brings systemic analysis and an innovative approach to complex race issues to help people take effective action toward racial equity. They are also the home of the Government Alliance on Racial Equity (GARE) and the daily news site, Colorlines.
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February 19, 2021
To grow a powerful resident and community organizing base to change policies and challenge systems of oppression, EBHO believes that residents who have been historically left out of decision-making processes should be at the forefront. In line with a transformative organizing practice, we dive into systems change, presenting a critique of our economic system and its impact on housing. We advocate for collective change and personal transformation by learning about where we’ve been and why. Each session demands an exploration (more...)
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February 19, 2021
The Pathways to Inclusion program is designed to promote the advancement of Black, Indigenous, and People of Color (BIPOC) real estate and land use professionals in their careers and as leaders in the industry, expand the networks of BIPOC professionals, and broaden and diversify ULI membership.
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February 19, 2021
Urban Habitat’s Boards and Commissions Leadership Institute (BCLI) trains and supports leaders from low-income communities of color to influence housing, transportation, and land use policies as decision makers. We work with leaders committed to advancing equitable policies, help them get onto public boards and commissions, and provide individualized support throughout their commission service.
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