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Affordable Housing Week 2017

BAY AREA EVENTS, GRAND OPENINGS, PANELS, AND MORE!Affordable Housing Week 2017 is the perfect opportunity to learn more, get involved, and invite your friends and family to join the affordable housing movement. Please visit our Affordable Housing Week homepage for more information!  

What Should the Region Be Doing About Housing?

SPUR San Jose 76 South First Street, San Jose

It's no secret that the Bay Area is grappling with a regional housing shortage and all the negative consequences that come with it. Many argue that this is a regional issue that that needs a regional vision and regional tools. What is the role of regional government on housing? How can jurisdictions better collaborate across boundaries? Come tackle these thorny questions with our panel. Co-presented by Northern California APA and SV@Home. Panel:+ Leslye Corsiglia / Silicon Valley @ Home+ Ken Kirkey / Metropolitan…

Free – $10