CAVE is a professional development opportunity for resident services staff and others who provide direct service in the affordable housing industry to learn about affordable housing advocacy and policy with the goal to engage resident communities in advocacy.

CAVE provides comprehensive voter engagement and advocacy training support. Through CAVE, participants gain strategies for how to create a culture and practice of advocacy within their affordable housing communities, empowering residents to participate in elections and policy outcomes that directly impact their lives.

The CAVE training is offered several times a year to all resident services staff of NPH member organizations, and provides:

  • Knowledge of the history of affordable housing organizing in the Bay Area and housing policy topics
  • Digital organizing skills
  • Leadership and community engagement strategies
  • Tools to engage your residents in advocacy, voting, and other activities geared toward housing and racial justice

Check back later for details on our next CAVE cohort!

three advocates holding signs

See what past CAVE graduates have to say about the program!

“Currently, I am moving forward with engaging my coworkers and employer in supporting affordable housing in a more organized approach. Pointers for this area of advocacy are important and very useful to me. – Thank you!!” – Mary Lockhart, Burbank Housing

“From the CAVE Series, I took away how vital voting is. Community advocacy not only works but is vital for the betterment of our communities, especially disenfranchised communities.” – Martha Ashburn, Abode Services

“I learned new strategies for including resident voices in engagement and expanding both large and small agencies in coalition-building during advocacy efforts.” – Lori Michele McLemore, Hope Solutions

“I enjoyed the storytelling part from the first training and learned that voter engagement normalizes civic participation.” – Mei Sze Phung, East Bay Asian Local Development Corporation (EBALDC)

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What have you learned during CAVE that you will implement in your work?

“Redlining all over the country and how it has hurt our black and brown communities.” – Aluah Alishlah, Community Housing Development Corporation of North Richmond

“How to promote voting and the ways that you can get people involved.” – Jesus Becerra, EAH Housing

“Building partnerships with those organizations near me – especially when it comes to language barriers. Including multi-ethnic organizations so our residents can connect and speak to someone in different languages. Being educated myself can help me in so many ways in how to implement strategies on outreach, and ways to engage all the residents.” – Jessica Soria, EAH Housing

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