SV@Home: January HAC – Tenant Protections

Join SV@Home for a conversation about Palo Alto’s renters and how the city plans to protect them. About this event In 2017, city council directed staff to look into ways to protect Palo Alto renters and keep them housed. The subsequent conversion of the Hotel President from housing back into a hotel led to the eviction of many downtown residents, sparking more calls for protections from eviction leading to another colleague's memo seeking more action. In response, the city applied…

SV@Home: Holiday Members’ Party

Join SV@Home for a super fun Holiday Party for all our members, whether you've been with us for years or joined today.

Affordable Homes At Risk: Preservation Challenges and Opportunities


Each year, thousands of California’s low-income renters are displaced from apartments that were previously affordable to them due to expiring regulatory agreements on government-subsidized affordable homes or conversions of older properties or “naturally-occurring” affordable housing (NOAHs) into market-rate rentals that price out lower income residents. This panel will highlight the California Housing Partnership’s latest statewide and county-level analysis of data on at-risk affordable homes in the Bay Area and those that have already been lost. It is an increasingly high priority to…