Advancing the 3P’s through the Bay Area Housing Finance Authority

Join NPH for a webinar that will discuss how the Bay Area Housing Finance Authority (BAHFA), created in 2019 by AB 1487 (Chiu) to provide the 9-county Bay Area with regional housing infrastructure. The webinar will explore how BAHFA can help address the region’s housing and displacement crises beyond what the Bay Area would otherwise be able to do without the opportunities presented by BAHFA. Register

Shift the Bay: Tips for Media Interviews

Tips for Media Interviews: What to do before, during and after an interview with a reporter to shape the news story and build the reporter relationship. We’ll share tips to stay on message and pivot back to your message when an interview question isn’t about what you want to talk about. We’ll save plenty of time for Q&A and possibly some practice rounds if folks want to workshop how to answer tough questions.