HLC’s 16th Annual Housing Leadership Day

Join Housing Leadership Council of San Mateo County and emcee Michael Lane at HLC's annual housing policy conference. This year, the focus will be on affordable housing and the education sector and will bring together elected officials, business leaders, community activists, and the nonprofit housing community. Don't miss plenary speaker Carolina Reid and annual Housing Leadership Award recipient Senator Mark Leno!Event info

Stanford Institute for Economic Policy Research (SIEPR) Forum

Join SIEPR's policy forum on gentrification, Can Policy be the Key to Affordable Housing? Leading experts from business, policy and academia will discuss how policy may be the solution to the challenges of gentrification. Event info

ELPN Housing Bond Advocacy Day

Please join ELPN for a day of door-to-door voter outreach and literature drops to support the Alameda County and Santa Clara County affordable housing bonds on the ballot this November. Both measures need approval by two-thirds of voters and are expected to be tight elections. We will split into two groups-- one focused on Alameda County and the other on Santa Clara County-- both will end with drinks and appetizers at a local bar! Contact Breann Gala for more information. Sign up!

The State of Housing Policy at the State

Join SPUR to hear from the new head of the state's Department of Housing and Community Development, Ben Metcalf, about what's happening with housing at the state level and what impacts it may have across California. Co-presented by the Center for Creative Land Recycling and SFHAC. Event Info

Free – $10