Affordable Homes At Risk: Preservation Challenges and Opportunities


Each year, thousands of California’s low-income renters are displaced from apartments that were previously affordable to them due to expiring regulatory agreements on government-subsidized affordable homes or conversions of older properties or “naturally-occurring” affordable housing (NOAHs) into market-rate rentals that price out lower income residents. This panel will highlight the California Housing Partnership’s latest statewide and county-level analysis of data on at-risk affordable homes in the Bay Area and those that have already been lost. It is an increasingly high priority to…

SOMAH: Technical Assistance and Support Services Overview

This online webinar is tailored for property owners and managers interested in installing solar panels to lower operating costs and reduce utility bills through the Solar on Multifamily Affordable Housing (SOMAH) Program.

Shift the Bay: Shift the Narrative Playbook Deep Dive

In this virtual workshop, renowned national expert (and long-time Shift the Bay partner) Dr Tiffany Manuel and her CaseMade colleagues will guide participants through an interactive workshop, focusing on the nine strategies inside Shift the Bay’s essential resource.

Resident Services Peer Sharing Call


Do you want to connect with other on-site staff serving affordable housing residents in the Bay Area? Do you want to know how other programs are going? Do you want to share ideas and learn from your peers? If you answered yes to any of these questions, join our Resident Services Peer Sharing Call happening Friday, March 25 from 12pm-1pm PST. This call is an open space for on-site staff to share opportunities and challenges, and exchange resources.    What…