LIHTC Tax Concepts Demystified


This Brown Bag training will demystify all – in plain English! Don’t miss this discussion on deductions, investor IRR, capital accounts, and minimum gain, and how they can affect affordable housing developments.

$20 – $40

ELPN: Insurance 201 Training – Understanding Insurance Certificates


Think you have insurance on your project but have no idea what that insurance certificate actually means? You’re in luck! Please join ELPN and Arthur J. Gallagher & Co. for a brown bag on what those insurance certificates are really telling you and how you can make absolutely sure you have the insurance coverage you thought you had!


Sustainable Advocacy – Uplifting Resident Voices Through Engagement


This workshop will highlight various methods for uplifting resident voices to advance equitable policies and solutions including voter registration and engagement. Participants will learn the tools required for developing successful resident engagement programs as well as learn the direct impacts of leadership opportunities – how transformative leadership building can engage an affordable housing resident to grow from an advocate into a community leader.

$20 – $40