SV@Home: Holiday Members’ Party

Join SV@Home for a super fun Holiday Party for all our members, whether you've been with us for years or joined today.

Access and Programs for Affordable Housing Homeownership


While much of the affordable housing industry focuses on rental housing – homeownership offers opportunities to address inequities in wealth while also providing long-term stable housing to low-income households. This event will bring together policy leaders and practitioners to discuss different affordable homeownership policies and programs – as well as opportunities to support and expand these housing types. The discussion will also go over the history, advantages and challenges of affordable homeownership programs. Panelists will discuss community land trust, limited…


TheCaseMade Workshop Series

In these virtual workshops, renowned national expert (and long-time Shift the Bay partner) Dr Tiffany Manuel and her CaseMade colleagues will guide participants through an interactive workshop.

Affordable Homes At Risk: Preservation Challenges and Opportunities


Each year, thousands of California’s low-income renters are displaced from apartments that were previously affordable to them due to expiring regulatory agreements on government-subsidized affordable homes or conversions of older properties or “naturally-occurring” affordable housing (NOAHs) into market-rate rentals that price out lower income residents. This panel will highlight the California Housing Partnership’s latest statewide and county-level analysis of data on at-risk affordable homes in the Bay Area and those that have already been lost. It is an increasingly high priority to…