NPH Brown Bag: Fair Housing – Affirmatively Further Fair Housing and Site Selection

NPH Conference Room 369 Pine Street, Suite 310,, San Francisco, CA, United States

Fair Housing: Affirmatively Further Fair Housing and Site Selection  Last year the U. S. Supreme Court issued a ruling that the Federal Fair Housing Act included claims based on disparate impact and HUD released its new Affirmatively Furthering Fair Housing Rules. These two actions taken together have the potential to change how siting decisions for affordable housing are made. With changes in the administration, this Brown Bag will discuss issues regarding the future of AFFH Regulations and how public housing authorities…

$35 – $60

NPH & SPUR: Federal Threats to Bay Area Housing

SPUR Urban Center 654 Mission Street, San Francisco, CA

2017’s change in administration has generated concerns about how shifts in federal housing policy will impact the Bay Area’s efforts to house its residents, particularly those who are the most in need. What are the looming threats and what can we do at the local level? Join NPH and SPUR to learn from some of those embedded in this fight. Co-presented by NPH. Panel: Eric Johnson, Oakland Housing AuthorityMichael Lane, Non-Profit Housing Association of Northern CaliforniaOlson Lee,  San Francisco Mayor’s Office of Housing and Community Development More information here!   


Affordable Housing Week 2017

BAY AREA EVENTS, GRAND OPENINGS, PANELS, AND MORE!Affordable Housing Week 2017 is the perfect opportunity to learn more, get involved, and invite your friends and family to join the affordable housing movement. Please visit our Affordable Housing Week homepage for more information!  

Bill Wilson Center Building Dreams Luncheon

Santa Clara Convention Center 5001 Great America Parkway, Santa Clara, CA, United States

Come to this year’s Building Dreams luncheon and find out how Bill Wilson Center is working to end youth homelessness. Register here! For more information about becoming a table host or event sponsor, contact Pam Fitzgerald at (408) 850-6129or 

$50 – $500