Asset management

Latest Past Events

Asset Management/Property Management Stewardship Group

BRIDGE Housing 600 California Street, Suite 900, San Francisco

Join ELPN and SF Bay Asset Management Group May 18th for the first Asset/Property Management Stewardship Group convening. AM/PM Stewardship Group is an attempt to form an ongoing working group to focus on issues that affect property management and asset management. The group hopes to foster more effective working relationships between the two divisions. The group will discuss the difference between asset management and property management, duties of each at different companies, how they work to address regulatory obligations, handling delivery of…


HCD Consolidated Schedule of Rental Income (SRI) Workshop

NPH Conference Room 369 Pine Street, Suite 310,, San Francisco

Intended Audience: Sponsors, Property Managers and Asset Managers of HCD-funded multifamily rental developments. HCD has recently released a new Schedule of Rental Income (SRI) form. All SRIs due November 1, 2016 or later must be completed on this new form. Join NPH and HCD October 24th for a special workshop to review this new form. HCD will go through a live demonstration of filling out the form and will answer any questions you have! More Info 
