Latest Past Events

NPH Brown Bag: Fair Housing – Affirmatively Further Fair Housing and Site Selection

NPH Conference Room 369 Pine Street, Suite 310,, San Francisco

Fair Housing: Affirmatively Further Fair Housing and Site Selection  Last year the U. S. Supreme Court issued a ruling that the Federal Fair Housing Act included claims based on disparate impact and HUD released its new Affirmatively Furthering Fair Housing Rules. These two actions taken together have the potential to change how siting decisions for affordable housing are made. With changes in the administration, this Brown Bag will discuss issues regarding the future of AFFH Regulations and how public housing authorities…

$35 – $60

How Housing Matters 2016

Hosted by the National Housing Conference in partnership with the Urban Institute, HUD's office of Policy Development & Research and the Terwilliger Center for Housing at the Urban Land Institute, How Housing Matters brings together practitioners from different sectors to explore ways in which housing is a platform for achieving positive outcomes in health, education, and economic opportunity. Through a day of plenary sessions, discussion panels and networking, this year’s conference will focus on breaking down barriers between the housing,…