The Bay Area's Voice of Affordable Housing

Since 1979, the Non-Profit Housing Association of Northern California (NPH) has been the collective voice of affordable housing for the Bay Area.

NPH works to realize our mission by advancing meaningful, critical policy solutions, and strengthening the affordable housing community who implement the programs and policies in our Bay Area communities. Our policy work advances bold solutions for a more affordable, stable, thriving region and state, focusing on housing solutions for low-income people and communities of color who suffer disproportionately from the housing crisis. Our programs and events strengthen and grow the capacity of our members to produce, preserve, and protect affordable housing for equitable communities and neighborhoods. NPH is a 501(c)3, not-for-profit public benefit corporation of California.

Our Mission

The Non-Profit Housing Association of Northern California (NPH) activates our members to make the Bay Area a place where everyone has an affordable and stable home. Our members represent thousands of individuals and organizations, including affordable housing developers, advocates, community leaders and businesses. We work to secure resources, promote good policy, educate the public, and support affordable homes as the foundation for thriving individuals, families, and neighborhoods.

Our Vision

NPH sees a future where everyone has a place to call home and where low-income communities and communities of color stay and prosper in the Bay Area. We envision a day where everyone has access to an affordable home– improving our health, our children’s educational outcomes, our environment, our transit system, our regional competitiveness, and keeping the Bay Area diverse and equitable.

Racial Equity & Inclusion

The NPH community envisions a future where every single person lives in a safe, stable, and affordable home – especially our low-income communities and Black, Indigenous, Latino/a/e, Asian, and other communities of color. To achieve this, we must enact solutions that are rooted in racial equity and economic justice, with the goal of building inclusive, thriving communities that embrace belonging for everyone – because housing justice is racial justice. Read more in our REI Statement.


Our communities are stronger when we work together to advance meaningful and equitable housing policy solutions for all of our Bay Area neighbors, no matter their race or income.

NPH works with our members and partners to pass and implement critical bills and ballot measures, and to engage and activate affordable housing residents with their voices and votes.


Housing justice must directly address the disproportionate burdens faced by communities of color and low-income communities, as they have been subjected to decades of unfair and racist housing policy. With the collective power of our member organizations, NPH strives to advance racial equity through public policy advocacy, campaigns, public engagement, narrative shift, coalition building, and movement-oriented strategies.

We also aim to advance equity in our organization and with our members by working to diversify our industry; advancing more equitable organizational practices and policies; lifting up affordable housing resident services staff; and promoting a culture of inclusion and belonging.


Our region’s affordable housing needs require big, bold, visionary strategy that can bring proven solutions to scale for the Bay Area region and throughout California. NPH is fully invested in both strengthening our affordable housing industry and building our movement so we can grow public support and political will for critical and effective policy solutions.


We are stronger when we work collaboratively to problem solve, share expertise, and advocate together. NPH fosters a membership community to bring people together around capacity building programs, working groups, trainings, community outreach, policy advocacy, campaigns, and initiatives to advance racial equity and inclusion.

NPH Land Acknowledgement

The Non-Profit Housing Association of Northern California (NPH) acknowledges that its offices are located on and its activities take place on the unceded ancestral homeland of the Ramaytush Ohlone peoples, who are the original inhabitants of the San Francisco Peninsula. ​

We honor the land and the ancestors while also acknowledging that colonization (including domination, occupation, genocide, exclusion, and other harms) is not an action or process relegated solely to the past; settling among and establishing control over the indigenous people of an area is ongoing. For example, gentrification, the lack of sufficient affordable housing, and homelessness on the rise continue to shut out low-income communities and communities of color from our region, including native people, impacting their ability to remain and prosper in the Bay Area.

The perpetuation and impacts of colonization remain today, which means that it’s critical that we work to dismantle inequitable housing systems and the ongoing racism and exclusion experienced by native communities and others. We must continue to advocate for a Bay Area where everyone has a place to call home.

NPH believes in respecting and acknowledging the land we live and work on as well as its past, and hope you will join us.

Want to do more? Consider making a contribution to native communities, such as to the Shuumi Land Tax. (more ways to support native communities will be added on an ongoing basis.)


Acknowledgement of land