Shift the Bay: The CaseMade Workshop Series

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April 27, 2022 @ 12:00 pm - 2:00 pm

The CaseMade Workshop flyer

You’ve seen the research, read the Playbook, and used the Message Guide. Now what?

Shifting the narrative around housing & racial justice requires more than a few word swaps or adding a pithy slogan. To create real, meaningful change, Shift the Bay members and allies are working to embed specific, measurable narrative strategies into our work, campaigns, and initiatives to build power for our movement and seize this moment in time.

In these virtual workshops, renowned national expert (and long-time Shift the Bay partner) Dr Tiffany Manuel and her CaseMade colleagues will guide participants through an interactive workshop. The events will provide opportunities to collaborate with peers to sharpen your 2022 narrative strategy implementation, and workshop your campaigns with the nation’s foremost housing narrative strategy experts. There are two dates available:

  • Spring Workshop: Your Narratives in Action April 6* (12 – 2pm PST)

*Please note that the date for this event has changed from April 6, so please update your calendars accordingly.

Workshopping Spaces Are Limited: To support robust dialogue, space is limited for active workshoppers in each session. However, additional slots will be offered for those who wish to learn through observation. Finally, if a session is fully booked, we encourage you to join the waiting list.

  • If you register for a session and can no longer attend, please notify the organizers as soon as possible so we can offer your spot to someone who can.
  • This workshop will be virtual. We will share event details with all attendees in advance of the session.

NPH is the proud anchor-organization of the Bay Area Shift the Bay Initiative, a coalition-driven initiative to advance housing and racial justice in the Bay Area.

In partnership with a diverse range of organizations from all over the Bay Area and spanning multi-industry, issues, and audiences, we are working to advance research-driven and field-practiced strategies, tactics, and messages that will help us seize this powerful moment to drive new narratives for our movement! Learn more here.


April 27, 2022
12:00 pm - 2:00 pm
Event Category: