Strategies to Successfully Implement Supplier Diversity Goals

This webinar will explore industry implementation of AB 2873, discuss the availability of services to support adherence to new requirements, and deliberate the challenges and opportunities for the capturing of such data during a panel discussion.

Inclusive Hiring Practices for the Affordable Housing Industry: New Report and Toolkit to Promote DEI Across Your Organization


Hosted In Partnership with Southern California Association of Non Profit Housing (SCANPH) Over the past year, SCANPH and NPH staff have collaborated to amplify our respective organizations’ efforts around diversity, equity, and inclusion (DEI) and uplift industry-wide hiring practices that ensure the field evolves to best meet DEI goals and advance opportunities for truly diverse talent, particularly when it comes to racial equity. These efforts have culminated in the co-writing of a new report titled, “Strength in Diversity: Inclusive Hiring…

Energy Efficiency Unleashed

Discover solutions to help ease the financial burden of rising energy costs on California's low-income residents and owners.