Affordable Housing Week 2017

BAY AREA EVENTS, GRAND OPENINGS, PANELS, AND MORE!Affordable Housing Week 2017 is the perfect opportunity to learn more, get involved, and invite your friends and family to join the affordable housing movement. Please visit our Affordable Housing Week homepage for more information!  

CCHO Housers Happy Hour

DaDa Bar 65 Post Street, San Francisco, CA, United States

Join CCHO and affordable housing supporters for a Housing Happy Hour in San Francisco. This is an opportunity for folks interested in learning more about the affordable housing movement and activism to connect with organizers, activists, and supporters. For more information and to RSVP. 

Zoning at 100: A Look Forward

SPUR Urban Center 654 Mission Street, San Francisco, CA

What is the role of zoning in the Bay Area’s housing shortage? A new body of research is examining the role of local land regulation like zoning — often a reflection of local homeowner concerns rather than regional imperatives — in limiting the supply of housing. Come hear a panel of experts explore the interaction of zoning, policy and the housing market. Co-presented by Northern California APA. Learn more! 

Free – $10

Why Does Housing Cost So Much?

SPUR Urban Center 654 Mission Street, San Francisco, CA

In 2014, The Urbanist ran an article titled “The Real Cost of Building Housing,” which looked at the exorbitant cost of construction in San Francisco. Over the past three years, these costs have continued to escalate. Join the panel to hear how the situation has evolved and how it impacts efforts to address our housing shortage. Co-presented by SFHAC. Learn more here! 

Free – $10