February 19, 2021
A presentation of UC Berkeley’s Othering & Belong Institute’s research regarding racial residential segregation in the Bay Area and policy implications for addressing these challenges. Presented by UC Berkeley’s Othering & Belonging Institute. (Run time 54:57)
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February 19, 2021
A webinar series to share out the Bay Area Seize the Housing Narrative Playbook as well as the research that came behind it. This was created in partnership between Dr. Tiffany Manuel, EMC Research, NPH, and M+R in order to develop new strategies for shifting the narrative on housing in the Bay Area, with an explicit racial focus. Presented by Dr. Tiffany Manuel, EMC Research, & M+R. (3-part series)
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February 19, 2021
One of a series of webinars in partnership between Race Forward, PolicyLink, and Comunity Change to share research on housing narratives and understanding how race interplays with narrative shift. Presented by Community Change & PolicyLink. (1:31:15)
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February 19, 2021
Presentations of the findings for a series of focus groups and dial surveys on housing messages in the United States. Messages around housing justice were tested on different groups divided into the “base,” persuadables, and opposition. Presented by Community Change, PolicyLink, & Lake Research Partners. (Run time 1:28:47)
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