Organizational Culture

February 19, 2021

Racial Equity Tools

Racial Equity Tools is designed to support individuals and groups working to achieve racial equity. This site offers tools, research, tips, curricula and ideas for people who want to increase their own understanding and to help those working toward justice at every level � in systems, organizations, communities and the culture at large.
February 19, 2021

Anti-Oppression Resource and Training Alliance (AORTA)

AORTA is a worker-owned cooperative devoted to strengthening movements for social justice and a solidarity economy. We work as consultants and facilitators to expand the capacity of cooperative, collective, and community based projects through education, training, and planning. We base our work on an intersectional approach to liberation because we believe that true change requires uprooting all systems of oppression.
February 19, 2021

Bay Area Housing Internship Program

This one-year, paid internship program trains low-income college students of color to jumpstart careers in affordable housing development and project management – by pairing each intern with an NPH member host agency, a leading nonprofit affordable housing developer.
February 19, 2021

Rural West Internship Program

The Internship Program is a one-year paid Internship for university students designed to increase the diversity of staff in the Affordable Housing and Community Development field and assist in meeting the diverse needs of the communities served throughout the rural West.