Organizational Culture

February 19, 2021

Racial Equity Toolkit

A comprehensive toolkit on how to apply a racial equity lens to housing organizations, with tools that assist with education on racial equity, creating a plan for change, and implementation
February 19, 2021

Pyramid of White Supremacy

Demonstrating that white supremacy goes much deeper than mass murder, violence, and discrimination but also appears more often in the normalization of otherbehaviors such as indifference to racial inequity, minimization, and veiled racism
February 19, 2021

The Characteristics of White Supremacy Culture

Describing traits of white supremacy culture that become embedded into institutions and organizations and the antidotes to dismantle them. Examples of traits that appear often in nonprofit: “A sense of urgency,” “Quantity over quality,” “Paternalism,” and “Power-Hoarding.”
February 19, 2021

Give More (and Better) Feedback with CSAW

Studies have shown that vague feedback disproportionately affects women, so this tool can also increase gender equity among your staff. The CSAW framework (“Connect,” “Share,” “Ask,” “Wrap-Up” method of giving feeback allows you to tackle issues head-on and encourages more specific and concrete feedback. This framework is helpful to advance equity in ensuring that you are connecting through shared values with employees and creating a concrete plan of action for remedying challenges.