The Voice of Affordable Housing
Wednesday, January 23
Last November’s election demonstrated that California voters overwhelmingly support taking action for affordable housing, and we’re pleased to share that our local, regional, and state elected officials are following their lead. No matter where you look, housing solutions are at the top of the agenda.
AT THE STATE LEVEL, everyone’s still talking about Governor Newsom’s budget proposal, which prioritizes housing like no other before. The current budget proposal included $7.7 billion in new, existing, and federal funding dedicated to state affordable housing and homelessness programs. Read NPH’s response to the budget draft here and listen to Amie Fishman, NPH Executive Director, discussing the Governor’s proposal to tie transportation dollars to local housing outcomes on KQED’s Forum.
The Governor’s budget now undergoes a vetting process at the Legislature, with a final budget to be released in May. We at NPH are excited to work with the new Governor and Legislature on proposals already presented and the policies still needed ahead to make bold progress on housing justice for Californians across the state.
SPEAKING OF THE LEGISLATURE… Back in December, we shared the round-up of housing-related bills that came out in full force on the first day of Session. Please submit a support letter for AB 10 (Chiu, et. al.), which would increase the State Low Income Housing Tax Credit by $500 million per year. This concept was carried forward in Governor Newsom’s budget proposal and is building momentum in Sacramento – but lawmakers need to hear from you. Click here for a template letter (.doc) to show your support for AB 10.
We’re eagerly anticipating the next round of housing bills, which will be released in late January. Stay tuned for updates and opportunities to engage on state legislation – and all members are invited to join us at our February 7 Legislative Issues working group meeting.
AT THE REGIONAL LEVEL, there’s been an exciting step forward in the CASA process, as ABAG late last week voted with overwhelming support to pass the CASA compact, a comprehensive regional approach to address the Bay Area’s housing crisis.
NPH has been deeply engaged in efforts to develop this regional approach with CASA over the past 18 months as NPH staff and members have lent our expertise and recommendations, working alongside an array of stakeholders to help ensure that the final package reflects our communities’ needs, our industry’s abilities, and our Bay Area’s potential.
The Compact passed in the early hours of January 18 included 10 total elements and was guided by the "3 Ps," a framework that dictates that an equitable, successful approach to housing our region incorporates three elements: production of new homes, preservation of existing housing affordability, and protection of tenants. Housing experts and advocates have long promoted this framework as the region’s best approach to making significant progress on our housing emergency.
Read more here…
>> Calling all Case Managers, Property Managers, and Resident Services Staff: NPH is thrilled to host our second annual Resident Services Professional Development Training series. The three-session series begins February 12 and we encourage you to register now for this popular series. Learn more and register.
>> NPH 40th Anniversary Affordable Housing Leadership Awards: Please save the date for our May 2 Annual Affordable Housing Leadership Awards, where we’ll join together for for celebration and community and submit your nominations by February 15!
Looking to join a passionate team of affordable housing advocates with a track record of making progress for housing solutions? Check out our current openings and spread the word to grow our team and strengthen our impact:
Policy Director: The Policy Director is a senior level management position responsible for directing and leading NPH’s state policy strategy and implementation, and supervising regional and special policy initiatives. Read more about this position here.
Racial Equity & Inclusion Program Manager: The Racial Equity & Inclusion Program Manager is responsible for developing, growing and administering NPH’s new Racial Equity Program and the Bay Area Housing Internship Program (BAHIP), two programs that are part of NPH’s work to increase and advance racial equity in the affordable housing community. Read more about the position here.
Communications Associate: NPH is looking for a Communications Associate to help support progress for our region’s housing crisis by shaping and sharing the messages that inspire voters, persuade lawmakers, mobilize supporters, and engage and support our member and coalition network. Read more about the position here.
Join with NPH to create progress for Our Movement, Our Future!
Your membership supports our critical work in driving successes for our movement and industry.
Your membership also comes with an array of benefits, member-only exclusives, and discounts on industry events and workshops.
Visit our website to learn more about memberships and to renew or join for 2019! Help build a future where everyone has a place to call home. Organizational and individual memberships are available
Friday, 2/1: EBHO Affordable Housing Week Proposal Due. Each May for over 20 years, EBHO and our partners have reached thousands of people during Affordable Housing Week (AHW). The week’s events highlight the benefits that affordable housing brings to communities, the need for more affordable homes in our communities, and the community power being built for housing justice in the East Bay. AHW has become a much-anticipated way to advance our collective work through greater public visibility and education, outreach to decision makers, and organizing for change. Submit a proposal to host an event during East Bay’s 2019 Affordable Housing Week, which kicks off May 9 and runs through May 19!
Submit your proposal
Friday, 2/15: SV@Home Affordable Housing Week Proposals Due. Affordable Housing Week is just around the corner! With a new governor in the statehouse and a record number of housing bills introduced on the first day of the session, we need to make sure affordable housing stays at the top of the priority list in Sacramento. But, just as importantly, we need to take the opportunity to reconnect, take stock, and reflect on our work and opportunities here in Santa Clara County. Submit a proposal to host an event during Santa Clara County’s 2019 Affordable Housing Week, which runs May 3 – May 17!
Submit your proposal
Friday, 2/22: HLC Affordable Housing Week Proposal Due. Each May, HLC and our partners reach thousands of community members to highlight the benefits that affordable housing brings to communities, the need for more affordable homes in our communities, and work together for new solutions to the housing crises in San Mateo County through Affordable Housing Week (AHW). AHW has become a much-anticipated way to advance our collective work through greater public visibility and education, outreach to decision makers, and organizing for change. Submit a proposal to host an event during San Mateo County’s 2019 Affordable Housing Week, May 3 – 10!
Learn more and submit your proposal
Friday, 3/27 – 3/29: NLIHC Conference. Awareness about the affordable housing crisis in America is growing, and federal policymakers on both sides of the aisle are responding; some have put forward bold legislative proposals to address the housing needs of low-income people. Join NLIHC for their 3-day forum in Washington DC to focus on seizing on this momentum to achieve real solutions to homelessness and housing poverty in America.
Friday, 3/29: HTSV Investor Briefing 2019. Join the Housing Trust of Silicon Valley for their annual luncheon event that brings together 500 people from across the housing and real estate industry, local and state government officials and the business community. It’s the place to network with old and new friends, make new plans for impact, and reflect on successes and stories in the affordable housing landscape.
Friday, 4/26: City of Fremont NOFA proposals due. The City of Fremont is pleased to announce a Notice of Funding Availability (NOFA) for the creation of affordable housing in Fremont. Up to $25 million of local affordable housing funds has been made available. The funding is intended to support new construction of rental developments or substantial rehabilitation of existing market-rate developments for the purpose of creating new affordable housing. Eligible applicants include non-profit and for-profit affordable housing developers.
Learn more
Thank you for your support for affordable housing. Together, we can build a future where everyone has access to a safe, healthy, affordable home!
Contact Us
Non-Profit Housing Association of Northern California (NPH) 369 Pine St San Francisco, California 94104 415-989-8160