Amie Fishman in The Mercury News: Bay Area school districts struggling to retain teachers amid housing crisis

$1.3 Billion State Housing Budget Proposal Announced
April 25, 2016
NPH Brown Bag Trainings
May 2, 2016

NPH Executive Director Amie Fishman was featured in this Mercury News article,  discussing the links between affordable housing‬ and education, as Bay Area schools struggle to retain teachers due to high housing costs.


“We’ve had an ongoing affordable housing crisis in the Bay Area, and now we’re at a critical level where we’re seeing that teachers and other core professionals are not going to be able to live in the community,” said Amie Fishman.


Valerie Lines, an elementary teacher, also discussed the importance of working across sectors to keep our residents in place and our communities thriving: “Unfortunately, the school districts can’t do it themselves,” she said. “There’s a housing problem, and fixing it goes beyond giving teachers raises.” Read the article.