ELPN: The Challenges of Leasing Up Higher Income Units and How Projects Have Overcome Them


With the advent of income averaging for Low Income Housing Tax Credit projects and new funding sources like CalHFA’s Mixed Income Program, more affordable housing projects are including units with income restrictions set above the previous standard of 60% of Area Median Income. These higher-income units present unique challenges to leasing up properties and maintaining targeted occupancy rates. Leasing, development, and marketing staff will discuss how these challenges have manifested, how they’ve planned for them, and what they’ve done to…


ELPN: Intro to Cost Certifications

Back by popular demand: ELPN is partnering with Cohn Reznick to host a virtual training on cost certifications!

ELPN: Decarbonization Forum: Realistic Pathways for Affordable Housing


With an expanding array of legislation pushing for carbon neutrality at both the state and federal levels, now is the time to have an in-depth, targeted discussion around electrifying and decarbonizing affordable housing in the Bay Area. This panel discussion will explore questions around the economic feasibility of sustainable design strategies, common challenges and solutions, and best practices. Attendees will hear from experts in the field and will be able to ask questions and share insights on this critical issue…


2024 ELPN Mid-Year Event

921 Howard St 921 Howard St, San Francisco, CA, United States

Join NPH and the Emerging Leaders Peer Network (ELPN) for a fun and social get-together! We'll start with a tour of TNDC's 921 Howard St property at 4:30pm (optional). Then, at 5:30pm we'll head to The Pawn Shop at 993 Mission St. for drinks and small bites. This is a great opportunity to meet your fellow housers in the Bay Area in a casual environment! Registration deadline: Tuesday, June 4th at 5PM To purchase a ticket, please register by June…
