The Voice of Affordable Housing
Wednesday, July 10
At the end of June, the Governor signed a historic budget that invests $2.7 billion for affordable housing, the largest ever investment from the state’s general fund on affordable housing and homelessness. The budget includes:
- $1 billion in combined investments to build more affordable homes, including $500 million to expand the state’s highly impactful low-income housing tax credit program and $500 million for the CalHFA mixed income loan program, which funds developments affordable to a range of incomes including extremely low-income households.
- $500 million in the Department of Housing and Community Development’s Infill Infrastructure Grant program, which funds housing-related infrastructure investments.
- $650 million to help people experiencing homelessness gain access to shelter and services, including some dedicated funding to address youth homelessness.
NPH applauds the Governor and State Legislators for making affordable housing a priority in the budget. All in all, compared to previous budgets, these investments represent tremendous victories for low-income Californians who need a safe, stable, place to call home. While the budget is one important piece in our work, there are still critical bills that need our attention to create the most progress for our Bay Area region and our state.
In order to achieve a future where our communities stay and prosper in the Bay Area and across California, we need big, bold solutions at the state, regional, and local levels. As the legislative session continues, NPH keeps the pressure up to advocate and support housing bills that can support our mission of making the Bay Area and California a place where everyone has an affordable and stable home.
In recent weeks we’ve added additional bills to our "Priority Bill" status, which means we’re further intensifying efforts to work with our members and partners to support and pass these bills this session. These bills seek to address the housing crisis from many different angles, and can build upon the crucial investments in the state budget. Some of these new priority bills include:
- Senate Bill 330 now in Assembly Committee: SB 330 creates more affordable housing opportunities for California families and workers by ensuring local governments each maintain consistent rules and regulations. The bill is set to be heard today at Assembly Local Government. Learn more.
- Assembly Bill 1482 moves to Senate Appropriations: AB 1482 would help keep families in their homes by limiting extreme or unreasonable rent increases as well as prevent arbitrary evictions. Yesterday, the bill passed out of the Senate Judiciary Committee and is on its way to Senate Appropriations and then to the Senate floor. Learn more.
Also, here are some updates on our other, long-standing priority bills:
Last week, the "3Ps" legislative campaign coalition met with Senator Mike McGuire to discuss how #AB1487 empowers the Bay Area to help address the housing crisis!
- Assembly Bill 10 continues to move: While the affordable housing community has much to celebrate with the $500 million expansion of the low-income housing tax credits included in the State Budget, the expansion is not guaranteed year over year. AB 10 addresses this issue by expanding the state Low-Income Housing Tax Credit Program by $500 million annually. AB 10 would ensure that the tax credit expansion is guaranteed for at least 5 years so that more low-income Californians can be stably housed and includes $25 million set aside for new farmworker housing.
Our members and supporters can continue to count on us to provide timely updates on NPH priority bills. Check out our Action Center for all the latest.
The Emerging Leaders Peer Network (ELPN) is a platform for growth, achievement, and opportunity among a cohort of affordable housing practitioners and advocates. We’re excited to share these opportunities with ELPN:
- Monday, July 15: ELPN Women of Color in Housing Salon, an informal discussion on women of color in the affordable housing industry. SOLD OUT!
- Wednesday, July 17: It’s time to network and celebrate! Join ELPNers for the annual mid-year party at Drake’s outdoor beer garden, to relax, meet peers and professionals, and enjoy pizza, snacks, and drinks! RSVP here.
- Friday, August 2: Are you a developer? Ever wonder how the decisions you make throughout the development process affect asset managers? During this session, you’ll learn about how decisions and assumptions about operating expenses, reserves, service commitments, project design, and much, much more impact the long-term operation of affordable housing properties. RSVP here.
Attention developers! Check out the latest Notices of Funding Availability (NOFAs) and surplus lands availability below:
- Surplus lands: The California Department of General Services has issued a notice of surplus state-owned lands. State law gives priority buyer status to local agencies and affordable housing developers. Check out surplus properties that are available.
- 7/18 NOFA application deadline: The County of San Mateo Department of Housing is pleased to announce a Notice of Funding Availability (NOFA) for approximately $27.6 million in Measure K Funds, State HCD No Place Like Home (NPLH) funds, and California Emergency Solutions and Housing (CESH) funds.
Questions may be emailed to until July 12, 2019. All questions and Department responses will be posted on the AHF 6.0 webpage and updated periodically.
The NOFA can be found on the Department of Housing’s website.
- 8/13 NOFA application deadline: HCD amended the Housing for a Healthy California (HHC) Program Final Guidelines and is concurrently releasing the two separate Notices of Funding Availability (NOFA).
NOFA for Article I (National Housing Trust Fund allocation) totals approx. $33 million. HCD will allocate funds competitively to developers for operating reserve grants and capital loans.
NOFA for Article II (Building Homes and Jobs Act allocation) totals approx. $60 million. HCD will allocate funds competitively to counties for acquisition, new construction, reconstruction, rehabilitation, administrative costs, capitalized operating subsidy reserves, rental subsidies, and rental assistance for existing and new supportive housing opportunities to assist the HHC program’s Target Population.
Learn more and register for a NOFA workshop/webinar here.
- 8/20 NOFA application deadline: The California Department of Housing and Community Development (HCD) has released the Multifamily Housing Program (MHP) Final Guidelines and NOFA for approximately $178 million. This is the first available funding from Proposition 1, the Veterans and Affordable Housing Bond Act of 2018, which California voters approved on November 6, 2018.
View the NOFA application and workshop details here.
Looking for your next move? Check out our jobs board to explore affordable housing industry opportunities. We keep an updated list of postings that span all levels and locations, and new jobs were just posted last week! View jobs.
Looking to hire a great candidate? Find your next employee through our extensive affordable housing network! Email a job description and application process in PDF format to Members may post unlimited job opportunities for FREE. For non-members, we request a $35 fee per job posting. (Not a member? Members enjoy many benefits, such as networking opportunities and technical assistance. Join today)
7/11 Eden Housing Alameda Point Groundbreaking. Eden Housing invites you to the Groundbreaking of Alameda Point Senior Apartments! Lunch will be provided following the program.
7/16 SOMAH Program Overview for Property Owners. This webinar is tailored for property owners and managers interested in installing solar photovoltaics (PV) through the Solar on Multifamily Affordable Housing (SOMAH) incentive program. SOMAH can cover up to 100% of your solar panel installation costs, securing direct financial benefits for you and your tenants.
7/18-7/19 LISC "The Nuts and Bolts of Asset Management" curriculum. Sponsored by Success Centers, this Santa Rosa event is an interactive and highly participatory hands-on workshop designed for practitioners and board members with a wide range of professional experience. The curriculum is developed by LISC, and is a required class for the Certified Housing Asset Manager (CHAM) Certification.
COALITION CORNER: CCEDA 7/24 "Innovative Funding Tools" workshop. Join CCEDA and leading practitioners for a daylong workshop in Oakland on Innovative Funding Tools for Community Economic Development Projects, featuring public, private, and new crowdsource funding. Hear from subject experts and other supporting organizations about industry trends and opportunities, and learn how these funding tools are accessed and successfully utilized.
7/26: SV@Home Happy Housers. Join SV@Home at Piazza Picola Italia in San Jose for their summer Happy Housers with special guest and new CEO of the Silicon Valley Council of Nonprofits, Kyra Kazantis! It will be a great time for housing advocates and community members to come together in a relaxed setting, have some food and drinks, and enjoy each other’s company.
Thank you for your support for affordable housing. Together, we can build a future where everyone has access to a safe, healthy, affordable home!
Contact Us
Non-Profit Housing Association of Northern California (NPH) 369 Pine St San Francisco, California 94104 415-989-8160