The Voice of Affordable Housing
Wednesday, May 15
Last week, the Governor released the May Revise, an updated proposed budget in response to the latest economic forecasts that has encouraging news for our affordable housing issues. The new proposal includes:
Expanding state tax credits (up to $500 million 2019-20, and up to $500 million annually thereafter, subject to appropriations;)
Investing up to $200 million of newly authorized credits for CalHFA’s Mixed Income Loan Program, used to build mixed-income affordable homes serving a wide range of incomes;
Earmarking $500 million from general expenditures to HCD’s Infill Infrastructure Grant program to help pay for infrastructure investments throughout the state. This will be paired with $300 million from Prop 1 revenue, resulting in $800 million of total funding.
NPH will continue to work with state legislative leaders and the administration to ensure that these investments can be effectively deployed to build thousands of new affordable homes for Bay Area families.
In the meantime, bills are fast approaching their May 31 deadline to pass out of their house of origin. NPH staff and members met with lawmakers in Sacramento last week to deliver critical messages of support for priority bills and work to secure their commitments. Many of our bills have passed through multiple committee hearings, and anticipate final committee votes this week before awaiting final floor votes in their house of origin. NPH continues to work with our members, partners, and in coalition to build momentum for our issue, our priority bills, and the 3Ps legislative package!
Click here for more information and updates on the current status of NPH sponsored and priority bills, as well as more on the 3Ps package of bills (Production, Preservation, and Tenant Productions) and how this framework is being embraced around the state. Read more…
New reports released by the California Housing Partnership reveal that housing costs are pushing the cost of living in the Bay Area further out of reach for most working families – and offer a strong a case for current proposals at the Legislature.
While our Bay Area still faces a significant affordable housing shortfall, the Housing Needs Assessment reports show that local affordable housing revenue measures passed at the ballot box can make a significant difference.
To continue progress and get to scale, the reports’ findings suggest that several bills under consideration at the Legislature could make a significant difference for our region, including: creating new state investments, offering the Bay Area the opportunity to pursue a regional revenue measure (AB 1487), and lowering the voter threshold for affordable housing measures (ACA 1).
“To create strong, healthy communities for anyone, we need strong, healthy communities for everyone,” Amie Fishman, NPH Executive Director, told the Times Herald. “And one of the important takeaways from these data reports is that the Bay Area’s housing crisis goes way beyond individuals’ personal circumstances. To make progress on housing affordability for our region, for our community members, and for all of our black, brown, and white neighbors, it’s time for big, bold solutions that address historic and current inequities and meet the needs of our region.”
“Give the [counties] the ability. So if its residents want to create more local funding sources, they can do it in a reasonable way,” Matt Schwartz, President and CEO of the California Housing Partnership — and NPH Board member — told the Daily Journal.
Read more about the reports and proposed solutions….
NPH invites you to help shape our 40th Annual Affordable Housing Conference, the Bay Area’s premier conference devoted to affordable housing. The conference connects over 1,000 attendees from all sectors across the affordable housing industry and movement.
This year’s conference is September 20 at the San Francisco Marriott. Save the date on your calendars now!
Submit a workshop proposal by Friday, June 7! We’re looking for proposals that demonstrates the value and importance of collaboration in strengthening Our Movement, Our Future. Workshop tracks include: Policy, affordable housing finance and development, equity and inclusion, advocacy, strategic communications, and more. Click here for our workshop RFP for more information and helpful tips on how to craft a successful proposal.
Please note: You must be a current NPH member to submit a workshop proposal!
Festivities continue during Affordable Housing Month this May, as our Bay Area Affordable Housing Partners offer events and activities to foster conversation, understanding, and opportunities to take action for housing solutions. We encourage you to attend an event, join the conversation, and take action for solutions today!
Special thanks to our Bay Area Affordable Housing Partners who are convening the events across our region: Council for Community Housing, East Bay Housing Organizations, Housing Leadership Council, and SV@Home.
Visit for more information, resources, and opportunities!
NPH MEMBERSHIP Join with NPH to build #OurMovementOurFuture
In addition to supporting our critical work, all NPH memberships come with an array of benefits and discounts on industry events and workshops. NPH members also enjoy member-exclusive benefits, including the opportunity to submit conference workshop proposals.
Join or renew your NPH membership today! Help build a future where everyone has a place to call home.
Organizational and individual memberships are available
5/15: RCD Riviera Family Apartments Grand Opening. Resources for Community Development invites you to celebrate the Grand Opening of Riviera Family Apartments, a 58 unit, scattered site, multi-family housing development in downtown Walnut Creek. (2- 3:30pm: 1738 Riviera Ave, Walnut Creek, CA 94596)
5/15: MidPen Housing’s Paseo Estero and Vista Estero at Brooklyn Basin Groundbreaking Celebration. Come celebrate as we break ground on new affordable housing communities in Oakland and honor the housing advocacy efforts by community partners to bring this development to fruition. A prime city site transforms Oakland’s waterfront, with an intentionally designed mixed-use, mixed-income, intergenerational and inclusionary community that is highly livable, highly walkable, beautifully designed — and will be an asset for generations to come! The event includes a community gathering, program, ceremonial shovel-turning, and light lunch reception.
5/17: Eden Housing Pauline Weaver Senior Apartments Grand Opening. Join Eden Housing for a live band, photo booth, and tours of the Pauline Weaver Senior Apartments, the new affordable community of 89 senior rental homes within a block of the amenity-rich Mission Blvd corridor and including a community room with a kitchen, a common courtyard with BBQs and community gardens, a computer lab, and bike storage.
6/3 RCD Sparkling Connections. Please join us for RCD at 35 and honor our residents with a joyous evening of celebration and connection, plus great food, drink, entertainment, and a silent auction.
Get tickets
6/6 HIP Housing Annual Luncheon. Join HIP Housing’s Annual Luncheon at the SFO Marriott in Burlingame, featuring Special Guest Speaker, Father Gregory Boyle from Homeboy Industries and author of the New York Times bestseller "Tattoos on the Heart: The Power of Boundless Compassion." HIP Housing will also be celebrating the Home Sharing Program’s 40th anniversary of providing an affordable housing option in San Mateo County.
Get tickets
8/13 NOFA application deadline: HCD amended the Housing for a Healthy California (HHC) Program Final Guidelines and is concurrently releasing the two separate Notices of Funding Availability (NOFA).
NOFA for Article I (National Housing Trust Fund allocation) totals approx. $33 million. HCD will allocate funds competitively to developers for operating reserve grants and capital loans.
NOFA for Article II (Building Homes and Jobs Act allocation) totals approx. $60 million. HCD will allocate funds competitively to counties for acquisition, new construction, reconstruction, rehabilitation, administrative costs, capitalized operating subsidy reserves, rental subsidies, and rental assistance for existing and new supportive housing opportunities to assist the HHC program’s Target Population.
Learn more and register for a NOFA workshop/webinar here
Thank you for your support for affordable housing. Together, we can build a future where everyone has access to a safe, healthy, affordable home!
Contact Us
Non-Profit Housing Association of Northern California (NPH) 369 Pine St San Francisco, California 94104 415-989-8160