The Voice of Affordable Housing
Wednesday, February 5
Last week, California state senators narrowly rejected Senate Bill 50, which means that this bill will not advance this year. We addressed this decision immediately following the vote. While we’re disappointed that SB 50 did not pass, we know that last week’s vote did not mark the end of the conversation; it instead begins a new one. We can create meaningful solutions for all our neighbors, and we must do it together.
We encourage all of our members and supporters to continue the dialogue with us around next steps and policy solutions ahead. We are committed to pursuing policy this session that will lead to more housing production, especially affordable housing production. We are also exploring other innovative policy proposals that can advance production, preservation, and protections together. For more policy updates and opportunities to engage on NPH’s legislative agenda for 2020, we invite you to join us at our February legislative issues working group.
Please note that NPH Working Groups are for NPH members only.
To become a member, or to check your membership status, contact Emmanuel at
THE DEADLINE FOR SUBMISSIONS HAS BEEN EXTENDED! Nominations for the leadership awards are now due by the end of day on Wednesday, February 12. All NPH members are encouraged to submit a nomination. Your nominee can be an individual, an organization, or a cohort of individuals or organizations. We are looking for diverse nominees who advance our work with innovation, collaboration, and inclusiveness and empower and inspire the community around them.
Submit your nomination using this online form. To view past awards, click here.
Save the date for the 24th Annual NPH Affordable Housing Leadership Awards on Thursday, April 30, 2020 at The City Club of San Francisco.
NPH’s regional policy program is geared towards promoting affordable housing solutions across the 9-county region. There are two timely opportunities to weigh in and engage on regional policy, and we invite all members and supporters to participate:
- The Association of Bay Area Governments (ABAG) Special General Assembly will be held Friday, February 7 at the Bay Area Metro Center in San Francisco to examine the Regional Housing Needs Allocation (RHNA) process. The day includes a panel of legislators discussing the new housing legislation, examination of the current RHNA cycle and implications for the Bay Area, an opportunity for local governments to share their concerns about the process, and a public comment period. As a member of ABAG’s Housing Methodology Committee, NPH will continue to call for a fair and equitable allocation methodology. We’ll also advocate for the new state requirements to affirmatively further fair housing. We invite you to join us there. Registration for this business meeting can be found here.
- ABAG and the Metropolitan Transportation Commission (MTC) are also inviting community stakeholders to help shape the Bay Area’s future through the Plan Bay Area 2050. Throughout the year, the agencies will be hosting interactive workshops, pop-up events, webinars, briefings, public hearings, and other ways to solicit feedback, insight, and expertise from the community. Get involved in Plan Bay Area 2050.
Email NPH Regional Policy Manager Rodney Nickens Jr at for more information and ways to get involved.
All around the region, you can find the NPH team out in the field doing amazing work. Some of the latest:
- On February 11, you can catch NPH Regional Policy Manager, Rodney Nickens at SPUR’s “Where Will All the Housing Go?” on a panel of experts discussing how the Bay Area will determine where future housing should be accommodated across the region, given recent changes to state law. Register here.
- The new Bay Area regional organization All Home recently launched, with a mission to disrupt the cycle of poverty and homelessness and create more economic mobility opportunities for extremely low-income community members. NPH Executive Director Amie Fishman will serve on the board and the organization will be led by NPH Board Member Tomiquia Moss. Read more.
- If you live or work in San Jose, you surely have heard about the March ballot Measure E for affordable housing solutions. NPH Advocacy Director JR Starrett joined with SV@Home and fellow advocates and partners for a Day of Action this past weekend. Learn more about the measure here.
Feeling inspired? Consider joining the NPH team! We’re hiring for several positions. View our openings here.
We can’t do this work without our members. Join today or renew your membership to help us strengthen and grow the affordable housing movement in 2020.
Members get access to exclusive opportunities, such as submitting nominations for our annual leadership awards, sharing events in the NPH Bulletin, and sharing jobs on our jobs board! Email for more information and to join/renew today.
2/6 East Bay Asian Local Development Corporation’s 45th Anniversary Celebration. Join EBALDC for their 45th Anniversary Kick-Off and Lunar New Year Celebration. Mingle with friends and new colleagues, nibble on delicious dumplings, and learn more about EBALDC’s plans to continue the fight against the housing crisis in 2020.
2/7 Christian Church Homes’ retirement celebration for Don Stump. After 40 years of dedicated work with and for CCH, president and CEO Don is moving forward. CCH staff, friends, and partners will gather for dinner and dancing to Top Shelf Classics in celebration of Don’s impressive body of work.
2/27 Chestnut Square Senior Housing Grand Opening Ceremony. Join MidPen as we celebrate the Grand Opening of Chestnut Square Senior Housing in Livermore – 72 affordable apartments for seniors – and preview Chestnut Square Family Housing – 42 affordable apartments – currently under construction next door.
2/28 Submit a proposal for Santa Clara County Affordable Housing Week. Affordable Housing Week’s success comes from all of the fantastic events hosted by organizations across Santa Clara County that engage the community in the conversation around affordable housing. Submit your event to county convener SV@Home today!
2/28 Submit a proposal for Alameda County Affordable Housing Week. Affordable Housing Week is an opportunity to bring EBHO members together and engage each other in our successes, have conversations about what we’re struggling to change, and show what is possible when we work together to protect, preserve, and produce affordable homes for all. EBHO Members are encouraged to submit an event to host below.
2/28 Submit a proposal for San Mateo County Affordable Housing Week. The Housing Leadership Council engages hundreds of housing supporters around San Mateo County to collectively learn, mobilize, and understand the positive and extensive impact affordable housing brings. HLC does this by offering the opportunity to attend informative workshops, groundbreakings, housing policy panels, affordable housing tours, and more.
3/6 PATH’s “Villas on the Park” Grand Opening Ceremony. Join PATH as they celebrate the grand opening of Villas on the Park, a downtown San Jose development that provides 83 affordable apartments for our neighbors experiencing homelessness. CA State Treasurer Fiona Ma, Senator Jim Beall, Supervisor Cindy Chavez, Mayor Liccardo, and Councilmember Peralez will be in attendance.
3/13 Housing Trust of Silicon Valley’s Investor Briefing. This annual luncheon and networking event provides partners of Housing Trust and the business community with policy and impact updates around affordable housing in the greater Bay Area. Keynote address, updates on Housing Trust’s progress, recognition of the year’s housing champions, and networking from 10:30am to 1:00pm at the Santa-Clara Convention Center.
3/25-27 National Low Income Housing Coalition’s Housing Policy Forum 2020. The forum on “Ending Homelessness and Housing Poverty” will take place at the Washington Court Hotel in Washington, D.C. from March 25 – March 27. A special Resident Session begins March 24.
4/14-16: Housing CA Conference. Join with advocates and allies all over the state for the 2020 Housing California conference, which will focus on a future California where no one is homeless and everyone can afford a safe, stable place to call home. This year’s conference will be in San Diego! Early bird registration closes on February 14.
Coalition Corner: Feb 14 deadline for CivicSpark community partners interested in hosting a fellow. CivicSpark is a Governor’s Initiative AmeriCorps program dedicated to building capacity for local public agencies to address community resilience issues such as climate change, water resource management, housing, and mobility. From September 2020 to August 2021, 90 Fellows will bring energy, commitment, and drive to a range of locally-defined projects throughout California.
More info
Thank you for your support for affordable housing. Together, we can build a future where everyone has access to a safe, healthy, affordable home!
Contact Us
Non-Profit Housing Association of Northern California (NPH)
369 Pine St,Ste 350
San Francisco, California 94104