The Voice of Affordable Housing
Wednesday, October 31
Happy Halloween! When you’re out and about for Halloween today, consider offering this little treat to all the voting-age ghosts and goblins: Voters around the Greater Bay Area have the opportunity to approve over $7 billion of new investments for affordable housing and our communities this election.
Make sure you and everyone you know takes advantage of our ability to vote! With just 6 days left to return your ballot or visit the polls, you can count on NPH for our pro-affordable housing endorsement slate.
✔ Prop 1: Support. Critical revenue measure to re-invest in affordable housing for our communities.
✔ Prop 2: Support. Create supportive housing for people suffering from chronic homelessness and mental illness.
X Prop 5: Oppose. Regressive proposal would benefit wealthy homebuyers at the expense of funding our schools and other critical services
X Prop 6: Oppose. Would eliminate funding for bridge and road safety, transportation, and public transit improvement projects, leading to significant negative impacts for our communities broadly and affordable housing specifically.
✔ Prop 10: Support. Would restore local policy tools to our communities to provide more housing stability, protect families, and make California more affordable for us all.
✔ Local Affordable Housing Revenue Measures: Support. There are a number of dedicated affordable housing revenue measures on the ballot around the Greater Bay Area that would allow us to increase affordable housing investments for our communities. Includes San Francisco Prop C, Santa Cruz County Measure H, Napa County TOT Measure, Berkeley Measure O, Santa Rosa Measure N, San José Measure V.
Learn more about the statewide measures and all of the local affordable housing measures around the Greater Bay Area at our website. And then be sure to vote!
A new "HIP" program of incentives passed by the Metropolitan Transportation Commission (MTC) last week will allow the San Francisco Bay Area to use Bay Area transportation funding to push for better housing outcomes.
NPH was proud to work closely with MTC staff and commissioners to shape and advocate for the new Housing Incentive Pool (HIP) program, a "race to the top" challenge that rewards the Bay Area cities and counties that build the most affordable housing with millions of dollars of additional transportation funding.
Specifically, HIP incentives will go to the top 15 cities and counties in the Bay Area that build and preserve the most homes affordable to very-low, low, and moderate-income people between 2018 and 2022.
A special thanks to NPH’s Regional Planning and Policy Manager Pedro Galvao for his important role in this process, including providing research and expertise to MTC Commissioners to help shape program details.
Read more about the HIP program here.
We’re so proud of the affordable housing solutions our community has helped pass at the State Legislature during the last two legislative sessions. And we’re not the only ones taking notice!
The San Mateo Daily Journal offers this profile piece on NPH Policy Director Michael Lane, noting that "Lane’s work behind the scenes gathers admiration from local legislators" — with Assemblymember Kevin Mullin (D-South San Francisco) calling him "the ideal blend of passion and pragmatism" and Assemblymember David Chiu (D-San Francisco) calling him "one of the most influential affordable housing advocates in the state." Read more of this article via the San Mateo Daily Journal.
Want to get involved in NPH’s legislative work? Join us for our upcoming meeting of the NPH Legislative Issues Committee tomorrow, Thursday, at 9:30. Register here. We’ll begin to discuss our agenda and priorities for the next State Legislative Session and strategic advocacy efforts with our next Governor.
Please note that we will not have a December legislative issues committee, and instead encourage you to join us at the 12/6 ULI panel in San Francisco discussing CASA recommendations. Learn more and register here.
SAVE THE DATE: NPH MEMBER PARTY! Please save the date for our annual holiday member party on Wednesday, December 5th from 5:30pm to 8pm at The Keystone in San Francisco. Join NPH’s Board of Directors and staff for food, fun, and networking with your fellow NPH members. Come ready to celebrate our accomplishments of 2018 and gear up for an exciting 2019! Save the Date.
MARK YOUR CALENDARS: ELPN YEAR-END PARTY! Join NPH’s Emerging Leaders Peer Network on Thursday, November 29 from 6 – 8pm at Bar CC in San Francisco. Come celebrate another year of building, supporting, and advocating for affordable housing in the Bay Area! We’ll reflect on the year’s accomplishments in a relaxed atmosphere filled with food, drinks, a live DJ, and a merry time. Register here.
Build Momentum with NPH! In addition to supporting our critical work, all NPH memberships come with an array of benefits, member-only exclusives, and discounts on industry events and workshops.
Be sure to join or renew your membership in time to join us at our Annual Holiday member party!
Help build a future where everyone has a place to call home. Organizational and individual memberships are available
Friday, 11/2: Framing the Future. Join Habitat for Humanity San Francisco for a conversation with Pulitzer Prize-winning author and Princeton sociologist, Matthew Desmond, who casts his expert eye over the affordable housing crisis facing San Francisco, San Mateo, and Marin.
Learn more
Tuesday – Thursday, 11/6 – 11/8: BRIDGE Housing Asset Management training. BRIDGE Housing offers an advanced Housing Asset Management course for participants who have completed or tested out of CHAM curriculum coursework. During a three in-person days of the class, students will explore techniques for analyzing and managing portfolios of properties, through exercises involving both case studies and analysis of their own organizations’ portfolios.
Thursday, 11/8: Designing for Inclusive Community. Please join The Kelsey on Thursday, November 8th in San Francisco for a free inclusive design workshop. Facilitated by a professor from Stanford’s design school, participants will use design thinking to envision their ideal inclusive housing and cities. In the afternoon, participants will be able to "test" and discuss their ideas with leading experts in housing, construction, and transit. Breakfast and lunch will be provided.
Register here
Thursday, 11/8: California Housing Partnership 30th Anniversary. Please join the California Housing Partnership in celebrating their 30th Anniversary this year, with drinks and light hors d’oeuvres to celebrate the community’s collective successes over the years.
Thursday, 11/8: San Francisco State University Center for Applied Housing Research lecture. Attend this speaker reception and lecture with Dr. Edward G. Goetz, Director of the Center for Urban and Regional Affairs and Professor of Urban Planning at the Humphrey School of Public Affairs at the University of Minnesota. Dr. Goetz will present "Housing Policy and the O-Word: Getting beyond the mistakes and constraints of the ‘Opportunity’ paradigm."
Wednesday, 11/14: East Bay Housing Organizations Membership Meeting & Celebration. Please join EBHO in Oakland for their annual gathering of new and longtime EBHO members. Enjoy good food, meet new friends, connect with allies, hear updates on the past year of work, and plan action for campaigns and programs in 2019!
Thursday, 11/15: SV@Home "Do the Math – The Feasibility of Retail and When it Should be Required" Luchtime Forum. This luncheon forum series dives into the cost of building housing—market rate and affordable—including the specific mechanisms that influence the cost of housing development. This session is intended to be a primer about when retail is feasible.
COALITION CORNER: Thursday, 11/8: Defining Public Charge: Inadmissibility for Immigration. The Alameda County Board of Supervisors, County Agencies & Community Partners invite you to attend a FREE Town Hall on a new proposed rule change on "public charge." Light refreshments and translation services will be provided.
Register here
RFQ OPPORTUNITY. Due Monday, 12/3: Destination:Home RFQ. This request for qualifications (RFQ) seeks to identify qualified developer partners and encourage the development of supportive housing units throughout Santa Clara County. Selected partners may receive capacity building grants, operating support, site-specific acquisition opportunities, pre-development funding, and other forms of flexible assistance with the end goal of increasing supportive housing development and production locally.
View the request for qualifications
Thank you for your support for affordable housing. Together, we can build a future where everyone has access to a safe, healthy, affordable home!
Contact Us
Non-Profit Housing Association of Northern California (NPH) 369 Pine St San Francisco, California 94104 415-989-8160