State Budget Round-Up — Final State Budget Agreement And Assessment For Future Fiscal Years


2023 was a historic year for the California budget, as the budget faced a multi-billion dollar deficit after last year’s record surplus. Join us as we discuss how much of the budget was allocated to housing and homelessness priorities, what this means for this fiscal year, and what we can expect for future budget discussions.  In this webinar we will discuss the statewide ramifications of the budget, how we expect the funding to impact Bay Area affordable housing efforts, and…

$20 – $40

Permanent Supportive Housing Costs and Resident Outcomes: What Have We Learned and Where Do We Go From Here?


The Terner Center for Housing and Innovation’s recently published brief “Permanent Supportive Housing as a Solution to Homelessness: The Critical Role of Long-Term Operating Subsidies” quantifies the costs of operating Permanent Supportive Housing (PSH) —including both the costs of managing the property and providing supportive services—and examines the implications of insufficient funding on properties, staff, and residents. The research was based on the experiences of NPH members who are PSH developers, owners, operators, and their staff and tenants.  It explores…

$20 – $40

Inclusive Hiring Practices for the Affordable Housing Industry: New Report and Toolkit to Promote DEI Across Your Organization


Hosted In Partnership with Southern California Association of Non Profit Housing (SCANPH) Over the past year, SCANPH and NPH staff have collaborated to amplify our respective organizations’ efforts around diversity, equity, and inclusion (DEI) and uplift industry-wide hiring practices that ensure the field evolves to best meet DEI goals and advance opportunities for truly diverse talent, particularly when it comes to racial equity. These efforts have culminated in the co-writing of a new report titled, “Strength in Diversity: Inclusive Hiring…

Brown Bag Training: Powering Up, Utility Impacts on Housing Costs


Affordable Housing takes a whole village of professionals to implement, but one major element that underpins housing is the utility infrastructure required to serve new developments. As we try to serve new communities with improved utility services and advance clean energy all-electric buildings, the implementation and installation of electric infrastructure has become a critical piece of managing housing construction timelines and cost. How can we clarify and simplify the process of delivering electric infrastructure to communities and projects that need…

$20 – $40