Coaching Skills for Managers and Leaders


NPH is partnering with CompassPoint for a four-part webinar series on coaching skills. This four-part webinar is part of NPH’s 2020 Resident Services Professional Development Training series.*   Coaching skills are ways of communicating that shift power from ‘power over’ to ‘power with’ and ‘power within’. Coaching helps put into practice the idea that the people closest to the problem have the solutions. When we coach each other, we center self-determination, create space for accountability, and unlock each other’s gifts. In…

$20 – $40

Coaching Skills for Managers and Leaders: Part 2

More information about each training will be announced soon, including registration. If you’d like to join the Resident Services Working Group email list sign up here. We hope to see you at one or all of the trainings! Participation for both trainings is required. 

Virtual Facilitation for Collective Empowerment!

Having strong virtual facilitation skills are essential in creating a psychologically safe environment where each participant feels seen and heard. These ecosystems of belonging create a learning environment where participants can reflect, learn and unite with others using their individual and collective gifts to reach a shared goal. This interactive enlightenment session will explore promising practices to integrate into your online facilitation tool belt. Participants will learn how to create a safe and supportive learning environment that builds trust, creativity,…

How Going Virtual Empowered Services!

COVID provided an opportunity to explore and expand how we engaged with residents and how we offered services as we shifted from in-person to virtual programming. Providing a program virtually came with its own set of challenges. It also allowed us to slow down and engage in ways that offered psychological safety and inner strength to support our physical safety during a national pandemic. We have learned that we can create a culture where people feel safe, engaged, and deeply…