A Regional Approach
The Bay Area’s affordable housing crisis touches every single person in the Bay Area. Unaffordable rents and home prices in the Bay Area are pushing out many long time residents, especially communities of color, and forcing our workers farther from job centers and our vulnerable communities farther from their networks of support.
NPH’s Regional Program is geared towards promoting affordable housing solutions across the nine Bay Area counties. We work with members, allies, and supporters and with the Metropolitan Transportation Commission (MTC) and the Association of Bay Area Governments (ABAG), the Bay Area’s land use and transportation planning agencies, to promote innovative affordable housing solutions for all 101 cities and 9 counties.
Our Regional Agenda
NPH is working to secure a firm commitment from our regional governing bodies MTC and ABAG to develop a comprehensive approach to addressing our housing affordability crisis with bold plans and programs to hold cities and counties accountable.
Housing Elements
The Housing Elements process is one of our region’s most important opportunities to advance an ambitious, equitable, and sustainable vision for housing. NPH is excited to provide community engagement resources that advocates can adapt to educate, engage, and mobilize across the Bay Area.
Bay Area Affordable Housing Partners
NPH is proud to partner with advocacy partners working at the city and county-level across the Bay Area, to maximize regional collaboration and coordination and lift up all efforts. Learn more about these local organizations and how to engage directly.
Please contact our Senior Policy Manager, J.T. Harechmak: jt@nonprofithousing.org

June 27, 2024
KQED: $20 Billion Affordable Housing Bond Heads to Bay Area VotersKQED:
Bay Area voters will be asked to decide on a $20 billion affordable housing bond in November after t...

April 10, 2024
Eden Housing: Q&A with Amie Fishman, Executive Director of NPH
Amie Fishman has dedicated her entire career toward affordable housing. She has led NPH since 2015, ...

August 9, 2023
CBS Bay Area: Work begins on controversial housing project in Marin County
A Marin City community said it is worried a housing project will accelerate gentrification and push ...

July 13, 2023
SF Chronicle: Game changer? Bay Area could get up to $20 billion for affordable housing
As San Francisco and other cities face pressure from the state to build unprecedented levels of affo...

January 17, 2023
KQED: Newsom's Proposed Budget Keeps Most Housing, Homeless Funding Intact. Advocates Want MoreKQED:
Amid a looming $22.5 billion deficit, California housing advocates expressed relief that Gov. Gavin ...

December 7, 2022
The Mercury News: Building homes in ‘God’s backyard’: New bill would permit housing at California’s churches, mosques and synagogues
Just one day after the start of the new legislative session, Sen. Scott Wiener (D-San Francisco) ann...

December 7, 2022
*PRESS RELEASE* Sen. Wiener Intros YIGBY Housing Legislation to Allow Religious Institutions & Nonprofit Colleges to Build Affordable Housing on Their Land
SB 4 ensures that churches, faith institutions, and nonprofit colleges will be able to build afforda...

November 7, 2022
KQED: In Pushing Affordable Housing Measures, Local Leaders Ask Voters to Contend With Racist Housing Law
Oakland City Councilmember Carroll Fife wants you to know what Article 34 is. She wants you to face ...

October 14, 2022
Builder and Developer Magazine: The Key to Our Future
Housing affordability and homelessness solutions are top priorities for Americans and it is clear wh...

August 2, 2022
San Francisco Chronicle: Here’s how much money you need to make to rent an apartment in S.F.
It now takes a full-time income of more than $61 an hour to comfortably afford the rent for an avera...

June 13, 2022
Yes in God's back yard: Bay Area lawmaker revives plan for affordable housing at churches
SAN FRANCISCO – Amid the state’s ongoing housing woes, a Bay Area lawmaker has reintroduced ...

June 10, 2022
The YIGBYs are back: Push to let churches build affordable housing on their land revived in California
The fight that gave rise to yet another California housing-related moniker — Yes in God’s Back Y...

June 9, 2022
RELEASE: Bay Area Regional Leaders Respond to the Budget Proposals from the Governor and Legislature
June 9, 2022 (San Francisco Bay Area) – As lawmakers approach the impending budget deadline, B...

March 24, 2022
All Home: Citing new report, Bay Area mayors and advocates call to strengthen Homekey
A new report from the Terner Center for Housing Innovation shows the impact and potential of Califor...

February 23, 2022
NLIHC: Regional Challenges, Federal Solutions: NPH Urges Bay Area Congressional Delegation to Champion Build Back Better’s Housing Resources
In 2021, NPH – a longstanding NLIHC member – faced a unique set of challenges in building power ...

July 14, 2021
East Bay Times: How many minimum wage jobs does it take to pay Bay Area rent?
High Bay Area rents come with another cost for low-income workers — they need multiple jobs just t...

June 7, 2021
Reasons to be Cheerful: Churches Are Becoming Players in Making Cities More Affordable
Bishop Matthews, head of East Oakland, California’s Genesis Worship Center, has long apprecia...

May 26, 2021
People's World: Newsom proposes record-setting public spending with ‘California Comeback Plan’
With California’s finances buoyed by unanticipated tax revenues and a $27 billion boost from the A...

April 29, 2021
The Mercury News: Bay Area gets more housing funds, local mayors warn it’s not enough
After excluding the Bay Area’s largest cities from a key pot of affordable housing funding — pro...

December 22, 2020
Looking back at BAHFA in 2020
One of the great success stories of 2020 has been the creation and activation of the Bay Area Housin...

November 4, 2020
Statement on Election Impacts on Housing Justice in Bay Area from Non-Profit Housing Association of Northern California Executive Director Amie Fishman
“Among the many pressing issues of our time, this election presents critical opportunities to adva...

October 6, 2020
New Recommendations Show Comprehensive Regional Housing Strategy Key to Addressing Bay Area’s Housing Woes, Racial Injustices
(San Francisco Bay Area) Amid critical national conversations around how to respond to and recover f...

May 18, 2020
Amidst COVID environment, Bay Area Voters Cite Housing As Top Concern
RELEASE: Amidst COVID Environment, Bay Area Voters Cite Housing As Top Concern New poll shows strong...

March 9, 2020
“Bay Area business and housing leaders are in talks over whether 2020 is the year when two ballot ...

March 6, 2020
“Under a new proposal, churches, synagogues and mosques would be able to build affordable housing ...

February 6, 2020
KQED: Can the Bay Area Solve Its Affordable Housing Crisis?
” As high housing costs continue crippling Bay Area residents, demands are growing for more af...

January 28, 2020
San Francisco Chronicle: "New wave of homelessness"
"People talk regionally, but they act very locally when it comes to homelessness.. But this feels li...

December 19, 2019
RELEASE: Two New Bay Area Housing Reports Demonstrate that Significant Revenue Measure May Be Pathway for Bay Area Region
Two new housing reports released today by California Housing Partnership and the Non-Profit Housing ...

September 17, 2019
"Landmark Bill Heads to Governor’s Desk to Address the Bay Area Housing Crisis"
The California State Legislature approved Assembly Bill 1487 (Chiu-San Francisco), which will allow ...

September 17, 2019
Daily Journal: "Regional housing tax effort part of larger package"
Housing advocates lauded the success of a proposal to boost the fundraising capacity of regional org...

April 29, 2019
RELEASE: Bay Area Explores Housing Opportunities, Solutions during Affordable Housing Month
After November measures, advocates look to community to build on momentum For Immediate ReleaseApril...

March 25, 2019
Mercury News: Bay Area voters poll results
“They’re the twin demons plaguing Bay Area residents: the never-ending grind of bumper-to-bu...

March 22, 2019
Mountain View Voice on the CASA compact

March 8, 2019
KQED: "Push to Create a Regional Housing Agency for the Bay Area"
“State lawmakers are proposing to create a housing agency for the San Francisco Bay Area, with...

March 5, 2019
Mercury News: "Some cities push back against plan to overhaul Bay Area housing market"
“As the Bay Area grapples with a housing shortage that has driven the cost of buying and renti...

February 12, 2019
Christian Science Monitor: ‘All hands on deck’
“The Bay Area comprises nine counties and 101 municipalities in a region with 7.6 million peop...

January 22, 2019
Beyond Chron: Builders and Tenants are Allies
“After decades of failing to build anywhere near enough housing, California is waking up. ...

January 22, 2019
San Mateo Daily Journal: "Regional housing proposal gathers approval"
“The Association of Bay Area Governments Executive Board voted 21-9 in favor of the CASA Compa...

January 18, 2019
RELEASE: ABAG Passes First Comprehensive Housing Approach in Bay Area History
ABAG Passes First Comprehensive Housing Approach in Bay Area HistoryNPH Applauds Passage of Critical...

October 30, 2018
New “HIP” solution created to drive progress for Bay Area region’s housing crisis
A new “HIP” program of incentives passed by the Metropolitan Transportation Commission (MTC) las...

August 6, 2018
Santa Cruz Sentinel: It’s time to refocus on housing
“Many in our community are deeply concerned about the lack of affordable housing for local fam...

August 6, 2018
Mercury News Op-Ed: More Housing, Less Traffic -- A Bill Badly Needed for the Bay Area
“As our state lawmakers return from summer recess and get back to unfinished business, there r...

July 16, 2018
“We are facing the gravest crisis in housing unaffordability and inequity in recent history,” sa...

June 26, 2018
New Tools for Local Government to Advance Affordable Housing: A Webinar with Pedro Galvao and Michael Lane
Affordable housing is everyone’s concern, but not everyone has access to the tools to advance ...

February 15, 2018
On February 14, 2018, NPH Executive Director Amie Fishman and Mission Housing Executive Director S...

November 2, 2017
Chan Zuckerberg Institute: "We're all in this together and now is the time for bold solutions"
“We’re all in this together and now is the time for big bold solutions.” – Amie Fishman,...

October 11, 2017
Mercury News: "On a roll: Affordable housing advocates pack a San Francisco hotel and say they’re winning the battle"
Friday conference was part rally, part double-down work session to mitigate the housing crisis  ...

August 24, 2017
A Victory: For Fair Housing and Fair Development
In the Bay Area, gentrification and rents are rising. But going forward, anti-displacement pr...

August 22, 2017
Oakland Magazine: "A Better Housing Plan"
When Bay Area planners released a draft proposal earlier this year for guiding the region’s afford...

June 28, 2017
East Bay Times: Solving the housing crisis takes bold action
“Bay Area counties have long been among the most expensive housing markets in the nation. A ne...

November 6, 2016
Michael Lane in the SF Gate "The Crisis is Now"
“The crisis is now,” Lane said in an interview. “Voters are wanting the county to address it w...

November 4, 2016
NPH ED Amie Fishman Speaks at SIEPR Policy Forum
NPH Executive Director Amie Fishman spoke this month at the Stanford Institute for Economic Policy R...

May 9, 2024
SF Chronicle: Bay Area could add 41,000 affordable homes. This map shows where they’d be locatedSF Chronicle:
A new report from the affordable housing financing group Enterprise Community Partners and the Bay...

June 30, 2023
Final Budget Maintains Prior Housing Commitments with Additional Investments, Emphasizes Need for Deeper Strategy Ahead
The state’s housing shortage is exactly the critical environment that required us to remain steadf...

January 12, 2023
NPH's 2023-2024 Budget Proposal Analysis
Governor Newsom’s budget proposal preserves existing affordable housing rental funds, but deeper i...

January 12, 2022
Governor’s 2022-2023 Budget Proposal Analysis
NPH will continue to work diligently with our partners and allies to make sure that our lawmakers pr...

May 6, 2021
RELEASE: New Reports on Bay Area Housing Costs Demonstrates Need for CA Legislature and State Budget to Prioritize Affordable Housing Now
May 6, 2021 (San Francisco Bay Area) – In anticipation of the release of Governor Gavin Newsom’s...

December 22, 2020
Looking back at BAHFA in 2020
One of the great success stories of 2020 has been the creation and activation of the Bay Area Housin...

October 1, 2020
The Road Ahead: A 21st Century Housing Strategy for the San Francisco Bay Area
In the midst of plenty, the San Francisco Bay Area region is failing to house the people who have ma...

February 13, 2020
CASA Public Lands Recs GCC Dec 2017
Moving Silicon Valley Forward concludes that the mismatch in the supply of affordable housing and th...

June 20, 2017
In the midst of plenty, the San Francisco Bay Area region is failing to house the people who have ma...

December 1, 2016
As the only part of a local jurisdiction’s general plan that must be reviewed and certified by the...

September 15, 2015
NPH’s latest Fact Sheet on the Jobs/Housing Fit (JHFit) is now available! Learn about the JHFit, a...
July 28, 2015
As people move into new market-rate homes and office buildings, they generate a need for services ty...

April 14, 2015
“Untapped Resources, Potential Bay Area Sites for Affordable Transit-Oriented Development”, NPH...

January 27, 2014
Moving Silicon Valley Forward concludes that the mismatch in the supply of affordable housing and th...