
June 21, 2016

Destination Home Op-Ed on the Proposed Santa Clara Housing Bond

Housing and homeless advocates call for the Santa Clara County Supervisors to invest in people and ‪‎affordable homes, in this Op-Ed published in the Mercury News. Ending ‪‎homelessness‬ is within reach with the $950M proposed bond!
June 21, 2016

Santa Clara County Supervisors Vote to Place Bond on November Ballot

Today, the Santa Clara County Board of Supervisors voted unanimously to place an affordable housing bond on the November ballot, an important effort to drive new revenue for affordable housing across Santa Clara County.
July 5, 2016

NPH Members, Board Members and Staff On Solutions During June 29th Media Blitz on Homelessness

A recap of the coverage on the homelessness crisis during the June 29th media blitz #SFhomelessproject
July 5, 2016

Amie Fishman in the Mercury News: Bay Area Advocates Sense Change in Political, Public Will to Help Homeless

"This is such an exciting moment," said Fishman. "We're seeing a convergence of political leadership and voter support bringing it to the fore."