June 23, 2015


THOUSANDS ATTEND AFFORDABLE HOUSING WEEKS ACROSS BAY AREA This May our subregional partners, East Bay Housing Organizations (EBHO), Housing Leadership Council of San Mateo (HLC) and Housing Trust Silicon Valley (HTSV) hosted 42 affordable housing focused events across the Bay Area as part of three regional Affordable Housing Weeks. These events, including a screening of the documentary short film Hotel 22 hosted by the City of San Jose, a Social Justice Forum on the two worlds of San Mateo and the graduation ceremony of EBHO’s Leadership Academy, drew over 4,000…
March 2, 2016

Housing advocates lift up real policy solutions for regional planning agencies

Powerful voices of residents fighting homelessness, family separation, and the danger of renewed segregation in the Bay Area dominated the summit on housing and affordability hosted by MTC and ABAG on Feb. 20.
April 19, 2016

Affordable Housing Week 2016!

In activities across the Bay Area this month, the affordable housing community will raise awareness and celebrate the efforts of hundreds of advocates and communities across the Bay Area that have helped build and preserve thousands of affordable homes.
May 10, 2016

Investing in Housing Security in Alameda County

Read our two-page Proposal now! A $500 million Alameda County housing bond is a bold solution to preserve and produce affordable rental homes, stabilize families and neighborhoods, and increase homeownership opportunities.