
June 22, 2015

Preservation Strategies

Rent control is a hot topic in the Bay Area right now and preservation strategies are an important part of the mix when looking at solutions to the affordable housing crisis. NPH feels it is important for communities to look at what is happening in their area and to use the solutions that best meet their needs. From 2007-2015, San Francisco gained 4,978 affordable units, but lost 3,278 for a net gain for only 1,700 affordable homes. Preserving affordable housing is important…
July 28, 2015

Bay Area Impact Fees

Bay Area HOUSING IMPACT AND COMMERCIAL LINKAGE FEES As people move into new market-rate homes and office buildings, they generate a need for services typically provided by low-wage workers, such as restaurant and retail work. Recognition of this link has led to growing interest in the use of housing impact (HIF) and commercial linkage fees (CLF). These fees are assessed by square foot or by unit on new, market-rate residential development and commercial development as defined in each jurisdiction’s ordinances.…
March 2, 2016

Housing advocates lift up real policy solutions for regional planning agencies

Powerful voices of residents fighting homelessness, family separation, and the danger of renewed segregation in the Bay Area dominated the summit on housing and affordability hosted by MTC and ABAG on Feb. 20.