measure a extension

July 27, 2016

Keeping Residents in San Mateo County

San Mateo County Supervisors Vote to Place Measure A Extension on the November 2016 Ballot
July 27, 2016


NPH Policy Director Michael was quoted in this Daily Journal article on a Measure A Extension in San Mateo County. County Supervisors recently voted to place the 20-year extension on the November 2016 ballot, a solution aimed at addressing the affordability crisis plaguing the County. Of the Measure A Extension, Lane was quoted saying, “this is an investment in our citizens. It keeps residents from being priced out.”   Read the article
September 2, 2016

Ambassador Training for the Yes on K Campaign

Thank you to the great group who joined NPH & Housing Leadership Council of San Mateo County yesterday at Silicon Valley Community Foundation for the YES on K ambassador training!