
November 20, 2013

Broadband Toolkit

This resource is for all of you who are responsible for maintaining the computers, equipment, and networks serving the residents in your buildings. It is a guide to figuring out solutions for the day-to-day challenges that arise from providing broadband services to your residents.
February 14, 2014

The Original NPH Toolkit

NPH has updated our original, award-winning toolbox with new information and new tools as well as the original Community Acceptance toolbox. This section includes public brochures and “How To” guides for advocates. Materials address common questions about affordable housing well as techniques for effective advocacy with decision makers and media.
February 14, 2014

Fair Housing Toolkit

Every affordable housing manager needs to know the latest rules and best practices for complying with Fair Housing Law. The attorneys at the National Housing Law Project prepared this toolkit to help. Included are updates concerning managing applications and tenants who may have disabilities, criminal records or may be victims of domestic violence.
February 14, 2014

Zone for Homes and the Housing Element Toolkit

Every city and county in the Bay Area has a housing plan or “housing element” due in June of 2009. The Housing Element update process is a great opportunity to change the rules governing the development process. Through the housing element advocates can help identify great sites for future housing, create new revenue streams dedicated to affordable housing and break down regulatory barriers to make it easier to build affordable homes.