
June 22, 2015

Preservation Strategies

Rent control is a hot topic in the Bay Area right now and preservation strategies are an important part of the mix when looking at solutions to the affordable housing crisis. NPH feels it is important for communities to look at what is happening in their area and to use the solutions that best meet their needs. From 2007-2015, San Francisco gained 4,978 affordable units, but lost 3,278 for a net gain for only 1,700 affordable homes. Preserving affordable housing is important…
August 4, 2015

Tenants Together – Rent Control Toolkit

Interested in learning more about rent control, its history in California and model ordinances to help guide California cities who are considering rent control? Check out the latest Rent Control Toolkit from Tenants Together.
August 4, 2015

Anti-Displacement Strategies

There are a range of anti-displacement and affordable housing preservation tools such as no-net loss laws, condo conversion ordinances, just cause/fair rent eviction protections, limits on capital improvement and debt service pass throughs, and preservation of expiring deed-restricted homes. NPH supports our partners’ efforts to curb displacement and keep the Bay Area a diverse and vibrant region. Please contact our partners at Public Advocates, Public Interest Law Project, and Silicon Valley Law Foundation for more information on these tools. For more information on San…
August 20, 2015

CCHO’s District Housing Snapshots 2014

If you’re looking for more information on San Francisco’s Housing Balance, please review the data, charts and narrative provided by our partners at the Council of Community Housing Organizations (CCHO) in their District Housing Snapshots 2014. In anticipation of the release of SF Planning’s Housing Balance Report, CCHO put together the Snapshots of each of the 11 supervisorial districts in the City, in an effort to show readers where affordable housing is being produced and lost in neighborhoods across the…