housing bond

November 1, 2016

MOHCD on Where $310m Housing Bond Funds are Being Used

The San Francisco Mayor's Office of Housing and Community Development released an update of where Prop A funds are being used, which includes much-needed affordable homes in development by NPH members BRIDGE Housing, Tenderloin Neighborhood Development Corporation, Christian Church Homes, and Mission Economic Development Agency.
November 4, 2016

NPH Staff Is Phone Banking and Lit Dropping Around the Bay Area!

November 9, 2016

Early Vote Counts Show Strong Support for Affordable Homes Throughout Bay Area

While final vote counts are still days away, unofficial results signal that voters supported the three Bay Area county-level housing measures that would provide safe, healthy, affordable homes for thousands of people.
February 18, 2025

*Press Release* Statement on Affordable Housing Bond Act of 2026 from NPH Executive Director Amie Fishman

“California is doubling down on doing our part to offer a safe, affordable, and welcoming future for all our friends, families, and neighbors. So it should be no surprise to see Bay Area lawmakers prioritizing housing affordability, with today’s introduction of the Affordable Housing Bond Acts of 2026.  Having a stable, affordable place to call home is voters’ number one concern, as well as one of the most foundational policy choices we can make to set our communities up for…