affordable housing

July 11, 2024

San José Spotlight: Santa Clara County bond brings thousands of affordable homes

Eight years ago, Santa Clara County had less than 300 affordable apartments that served homeless individuals with disabilities. Thousands of homes have been built since then due to an affordable housing bond measure.
February 19, 2025

Newsweek: California Could See $10 Billion Housing Boost

Two California lawmakers have brought back a proposal to place a $10 billion bond for affordable housing programs on the June 2026 ballot, after the measure failed to make it on the ballot last November. The cash injection would make a dramatic difference for low-income households living in the Golden State, which is currently one of the most expensive housing markets in the nation. East Bay Assemblymember Buffy Wicks and State Senator Christopher Cabaldon, who represent Yolo, Solano, Napa and parts of…