
June 22, 2015

The Cost of Homelessness in Silicon Valley

Our friends at Destination Home took an unprecedented in-depth look at the cost of homelessness in Santa Clara County. Their cost study, Home Not Found: The Cost of Homelessness in Silicon Valley, found that while a homeless person costs the county on average $62,473/year while homeless, the average post-housing cost is just $19,767 – over $42.5k in cost reduction. Home Not Found points to myriad possibilities that can move us towards ending homelessness while saving the community money. It is the largest and most comprehensive…
September 8, 2015

Building HOMES: A Policy Maker’s Toolbox for Ending Homelessness

Our partners at the Sonoma County Community Development Commission recently released Building HOMES, a Policy Maker’s Toolbox for Ending Homelessness. This toolkit provides an understanding of the needs and opportunities to end homelessness in Sonoma County by 2025, by reviewing proven strategies, proposing new initiatives and acknowledging the hard choices, substantial investments and committed action that will be required.   For those of you outside of Sonoma county, read through the executive summary and pull out elements and solutions that relate to your…
March 2, 2016

Housing advocates lift up real policy solutions for regional planning agencies

Powerful voices of residents fighting homelessness, family separation, and the danger of renewed segregation in the Bay Area dominated the summit on housing and affordability hosted by MTC and ABAG on Feb. 20.
April 4, 2016

Housing As A Health Care Investment

Affordable Housing Supports Children’s Health