measure a

October 5, 2016

ELPN Housing Bond Advocacy Day

Please join ELPN for a day of door-to-door voter outreach and literature drops to support the Alameda County and Santa Clara County affordable housing bonds on the ballot this November. Both measures need approval by two-thirds of voters and are expected to be tight elections. We will split into two groups– one focused on Alameda County and the other on Santa Clara County– both will end with drinks and appetizers at a local bar! Contact Breann Gala for more information.   Sign up!
February 28, 2017

SPUR: Addressing Homelessness With Homes

The region’s out-of-control housing market affects everyone, but it impacts those who are currently homeless most of all, and agencies and organizations continue to search for new models to provide a home for everyone. Santa Clara County’s Measure A, which passed in 2016, will allocate funding to help build affordable housing, while other groups are experimenting with solutions like tiny homes and permanent supportive housing. Join SPUR to learn how these groups are working to house the homeless.   More information…
July 11, 2024

San José Spotlight: Santa Clara County bond brings thousands of affordable homes

Eight years ago, Santa Clara County had less than 300 affordable apartments that served homeless individuals with disabilities. Thousands of homes have been built since then due to an affordable housing bond measure.