santa clara county

May 18, 2016

Santa Clara County proposes bond measure for affordable homes

Deep community concern about homelessness and housing affordability for hard-working families is driving Santa Clara County Supervisors to propose a substantial investment in affordable homes.
May 18, 2016

VTA Board of Directors Adopts a Strong Affordable Housing Policy

On Thursday, April 7th, the VTA Board of Directors took action to adopt a strong Affordable Housing Policy (AHP) that will govern the disposition of VTA-owned land. This impactful policy will increase the stock of housing and affordable housing, and sets a positive example for other agencies to emulate.
June 21, 2016

Destination Home Op-Ed on the Proposed Santa Clara Housing Bond

Housing and homeless advocates call for the Santa Clara County Supervisors to invest in people and ‪‎affordable homes, in this Op-Ed published in the Mercury News. Ending ‪‎homelessness‬ is within reach with the $950M proposed bond!
June 21, 2016

NPH Expresses Strong Support of the Proposed Santa Clara County Housing Bond

NPH expresses strong support of a $950 million General Obligation Bond on the November 2016 ballot, to fund the creation of new affordable housing and permanent supportive housing for the homeless in Santa Clara County.