
April 5, 2016

Transit-oriented Affordable Home Tour with MTC

            NPH and Silicon Valley @Home partnered to tour affordable homes in Santa Clara County with leaders from the Metropolitan Transportation Commission on March 30.   MTC shares NPH’s nine-county footprint and works with the Association of Bay Area Governments to facilitate housing connections to transit. MTC executive director Steve Heminger said, “We have transportation problems in the Bay Area, but we have a housing crisis in the Bay Area. They have influence on each…
July 29, 2016

MTC Commission Votes to Adopt NPH Priorities for Transportation Funding

NPH won big victories for affordable housing yesterday as the Metropolitan Transportation Commission voted to amend the One Bay Area Grant, a $916 million regional transportation funding program.
October 19, 2016

NPH Makes Inroads on Plan Bay Area

On October 14th the Joint Planning and Administrative Committees of the Metropolitan Transportation Commission (MTC) and the Association of Bay Area Governments (ABAG) met to hear feedback on Plan Bay Area 2040, a long range plan which will direct over $309 billion worth of federal, state, and regional transportation investments through 2040. Both MTC Commissioners and ABAG Board members spoke favorably of including implementation actions in the Plan to address the Bay Area’s affordable housing and displacement crises – an…