April 25, 2024

San Francisco Business Times: Holy housing: Two of three new affordable projects in Oakland are on church-owned land

Two of the three projects are being developed on church-owned land and could be taking advantage of new state legislation that streamlines affordable development on such properties.
May 9, 2024

SF Chronicle: Bay Area could add 41,000 affordable homes. This map shows where they’d be locatedSF Chronicle:

A new report from the affordable housing financing group Enterprise Community Partners and the Bay Area Housing Financing Authority, known as BAHFA, found that there are 443 projects totaling 40,896 units that are somewhere in the process of being approved or financed.
May 15, 2024

Governor’s May Revise Emphasizes Critical Need for Ongoing Advocacy for Long-Term Affordable Housing Solutions

Governor Newsom has released his May Revise to the 2024-25 state budget proposal, which shows a growing state deficit and some cuts to affordable housing programs.
June 25, 2024

The Mercury News: Could a $20 billion bond measure help solve the Bay Area’s affordable housing crisis?

This November, Bay Area voters could decide on an unprecedented bond measure to raise up to $20 billion for as many as 90,000 desperately needed affordable homes across the nine-county region.