May 16, 2022

Governor’s May Revise Doesn’t Go Far Enough to Support Housing, Homelessness Solutions that Our Communities Desperately Need

Late last week, Governor Gavin Newsom released his May Revise to the 2022-2023 state budget proposal. While this new proposal includes additional investments for affordable housing and to address homelessness, it falls short of adequately addressing our state’s deep housing needs. These housing needs have remained unmet for too long and are negatively impacting the ability of everyday Californians to get by and thrive. Key Investments  The Governor’s proposal added key housing investments to build more downtown-oriented and affordable housing…
May 17, 2022

Mercury News: Biden administration has plan to boost affordable housing

The Biden administration is announcing an action plan Monday aimed at boosting the supply of affordable housing amid high inflation. Taken together, administration officials said, the actions announced will help close the affordable housing gap and “ease the burden of housing costs,” noting that housing prices are a key driver of inflation. Amie Fishman, executive director of the Non-Profit Housing Association of Northern California, said the president’s announcement are welcome news for the state and Bay Area. “Taking bold administrative…
June 9, 2022

RELEASE: Bay Area Regional Leaders Respond to the Budget Proposals from the Governor and Legislature

June 9, 2022 (San Francisco Bay Area) – As lawmakers approach the impending budget deadline, Bay Area Regional civic, advocacy, and philanthropic leaders joined together to release the following joint statement in response to current proposals under consideration: “As the Legislature and the Governor work to finalize the California 2022-23 state budget, we respectfully remind all parties that this is not just a political negotiation. The results of these final discussions will deeply impact the lives of all California workers,…
June 10, 2022

The YIGBYs are back: Push to let churches build affordable housing on their land revived in California

The fight that gave rise to yet another California housing-related moniker — Yes in God’s Back Yard, or YIGBY — is back as a state senator revives a bill that would allow churches to build affordable housing on their parking lots. Sen. Scott Wiener, D-San Francisco, reintroduced a measure Thursday that would make it easier for religious groups to build housing by removing local zoning restrictions. The bill would apply to churches, synagogues, mosques and other faith organizations, as well…