
August 10, 2016

Yes on A For Affordable Housing Fact Sheet is Here

The Yes on A for Affordable Housing campaign in Santa Clara County has just released their fact sheet! Check out the reasons why they've voting Yes on Measure A in November.
September 2, 2016

Yes on A Campaign Kick-Offs in Santa Clara County

Thank you to the NPH members, partners and friends who joined us to make the YES on A for Affordable Housing campaign kick-off a success! NPH Executive Director Amie Fishman and NPH Board Member and SV@Home Executive Director Leslye Corsiglia were joined by hundreds of supporters including NPH members, residents living in affordable homes, as well as Supervisors Cindy Chavez and Dave Cortese.
November 7, 2016

Interesting Facts About Voter Registration

NPH members played a role in this increase. We achieved a 15% increase in voter registration in our database through improved addressing data, and registration drives among residents on properties across the Bay Area.