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August 18, 2022
A person who wants to live in a two-bedroom, market rate apartment in the San Francisco metropolitan area must make more than $60 an hour to afford it, according to a report released Thursday by the National Low Income Housing Coalition.
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August 30, 2022
In a major win for California housing development advocates, state lawmakers signed off Monday on a series of reforms that supporters say could clear the way to build hundreds of thousands of of new homes statewide by significantly easing permitting requirements.
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September 19, 2022
Prop. 27 would rake in millions for homelessness. So why don’t homeless advocates support it?
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October 12, 2022
Two dueling ballot initiatives to legalize sports betting in California have wagered more than $400 million on their campaigns, but with a month to go until voters decide, the resulting ad blitz does not appear to have tilted the odds in their favor.
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